1.) Shop from a store with multiple photos.
For example has many angles of the sexy lingerie sets for sale on a mannequin so you can see exactly how it will fit. Knowing how it wears is important and a natural photograph is best. The models pictures on the front of a lingerie box are pinned and modified so this will hardly ever be what it looks like in real life.
2.) Purchase something flowy. If it is open on the front and hangs loosely around the body chances are it will fit. Something that is tight fitting will not be as good as something loose fitting, your chances of it sitting properly against your body curves is decreased.
3.) Get your lingerie form the same manufacturer. They all make their items in the same sizes do if you’re buying a Dream girl teddy for example and it’s size medium which fits you perfectly you can shop assured knowing that all medium sizes from this same manufacturer will fit the same way.